Take charge of your cash flow today – explore the full potential of the Multi-Use Account or apply now. If you already have a Multi-Use Account, put it to work and use it on your next crop input purchase. All the best finance offers, all in one place.


Visit InputFinance.com to view all the special offers in detail near you, then contact your local retailer today.



With a Multi-Use Account at our business you have established dependable purchasing power to get the things you need when you need them. The Multi-Use Account from John Deere Financial provides an additional source of capital, matches your cash flow and helps you get the important things you need to keep your operation moving forward all season long. Whether you’re in the field or the office, make the most of your time and resources using MyJDFAccount.com the easy and convenient way to manage your account 24/7. You can view monthly statements, new account activity, make a payment or access up to 24 months of transaction history.

Interest Free Financing

Multi-Use Account customers qualify for interest-free financing on all everyday purchases when they pay the 30-day balance in full each month. Just say “put it on my Multi-Use Account” to enjoy the convenience of dependable purchasing power at our business and more than 9,000 others nationwide.

Crop Inputs

With a Multi-Use Account from John Deere Financial, you can secure the seed, herbicide, insecticide, fungicide or fertilizer you need now and pay later, often after harvest. Keep your cash, free up your operating line of credit, increase cash flow, save money and add more margin to your bottom line. Low finance rates are available. 

John Deere Heritage

John Deere Financial is dedicated to your financial success offering value that no other lender can through their unique combination of deep agricultural understanding, equipment expertise and personalized financing solutions using the Multi-Use Account. Make owning and operating equipment and the financing of crop inputs and everyday supplies both easy and affordable.

The Multi-Use Account serves the agricultural community by helping producers secure the products they need to grow their business and keep their operation moving forward all season long. John Deere Financial has relationships with over 9,000 dealers and agribusinesses such as ours as well as regional seed companies and nationally recognized input manufacturers. This is done because we know you rely on a diverse array of suppliers to meet all your demands. We put our customers at the center of our business model and extend our financing expertise to other complementary agribusiness providers to be able to offer low rate financing and special terms on the products you need. When agribusinesses work together to support farmers everyone wins.